Vegan, u’ve rescued countless lives from murdering slaughterhouses.
Vegan, u’ve rescued countless lives from murdering slaughterhouses.
2024-12-23 352 Views
World leaders n citizens: don’t b too busy 2 act on the law, animal-people r protected by it, so allowing them 2 b severely hurt, such as in the animal-people industry n slaughterhouses, 2 sell, 2 eat, a crime, resulting in the criminal charge of imprisonment. B warned !!!
If u believe that all creation is Godchildren, at least b vegan
If u believe that all creation is Godchildren, at least b vegan
2024-10-09 1178 Views
Only noble people wd avoid murdered animal-people product! Ignore vegan talk. Just do 2 prove!
Vegan: All the animal-people wd kneel secretly 2 pray 4 u.
Vegan: All the animal-people wd kneel secretly 2 pray 4 u.
2024-10-02 1042 Views